Responsible for the content: Mag. Lidia Petrovski EPU
VAT# / UID: ATU65784699
Office: Schönbrunner Strasse 27/4, A-1050 Vienna
Workshop / Showroom: c/o LIVE for Fashion Boutique, Margaretenplatz 7/1, A-1050 Vienna
Member at Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO)
Design and Production of high end jewellery and customized jewellery products
Design/Website created by Bureau F www.bureauf.com
Technical implementation by Bureau F www.bureauf.com
3D Product Design/Renders by Eva Tucek www.electrodorn.com
Product/Image photography by Michael Stelzhammer www.stelzhammer.cc
Funded by the Vienna Business Agency (Wirtschaftsagentur Wien).
A service offered by the City of Vienna.
Copyright 2021: The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is intended for personal use only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as transfer to third parties, also in parts or in revised form, without the consent of the publisher and author is prohibited.